UnZip Me is a useful tool that can extract any zip file and compress any file in seconds. We prefer to use bulky unzip software that offer lots of features along with zipping and unzipping of files. But we never use the complicated settings and features supported by such tools because it requires good knowledge about file compression and compression types to configure them.
UnZip Me is designed to simplify the file zipping and unzipping process. All you have to do is just locate a compressed (zipped) file and click on unzip, UnZip Me will automatically take you to the folder where the files are extracted. The same is with zipping a file, just locate all the files you want to zip and click on the zip button to compress and save a zip file to the desired location. You can also drag/drop any file to be compressed to the zip list. However, some must have features are missing in this tool like; you cannot add multiple files to be compressed to the compression list at once. You have to import every singe file, which is very time consuming. But the software is handy and small in size and perfectly does what it is designed for.